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  1. Could a "Next Accounts due" field be added to the main tab and could a "Check with Companies House & Update" button be added similar to that in many Company Secretarial software programs. If you could also "bulk check and update" these fields this would make tracking of deadlines far simpler and avoid having to keep the same information in multiple places and manually updating it.
    Thank you!

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  2. When a notification email is sent from a worflow, could the email be populated with the client ID as well s the task id

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    Proposed  ·  2 comments  ·  CCH Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  3. It would be massively useful to all practices to have a simple report/document that compares the Tax Return data to the last year so you can have an at-a-glance comparative. This will allow an effective review once the Return is completed, as well as helping to complete the preparation.

    We currently keep track of all of the above on a paper template and I had hoped to use Return Review as a digital alternative, however I do not believe it is as useful as we hoped.

    Return Review does what we need in part, but much of what is produced…

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  4. We are currently able to bulk complete tasks on the task homepage, unless they are multi-action tasks, for example with a Yes/No outcome. It would save considerable time to be able to select numerous tasks and complete with an action box pop-up to ask if they are to be completed as a Yes or No in bulk.

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    Proposed  ·  2 comments  ·  CCH Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  5. Documents e.g. excel working papers or client info should be able to have a tick to roll forward on year-end like notes do.
    It is a pain to have to go back through DM to re-add last year's papers.

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  6. It would be helpful if the working papers module allowed you to drag and drop working papers rather than having to use the 'move up/down' buttons. It would also be useful if we could highlight multiple papers at once and move in bulk. Additionally, if the software allowed us to mark several working papers as 'prepared' in one go, this would save a lot of time. Many thanks

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  7. Establish a link between client creation and money laundering, possibly using CCH Workflow to establish the rules

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    Started  ·  Evan Jones responded

    I’m pleased to be able to share that the ability to perform AML checks on an individual will be available from the end of April 2021.

    This is in partnership with Veriphy and is accessed via the new Client List feature that will be made available in CCH OneClick at the same time.

    More checks on individuals will be added during Q2 with checks on businesses scheduled to be worked on during Q3.

    If you would like to know more please email

    Evan Jones
    Lead Product Manager

  8. To provide the ability to prepare the corporation tax computation in foreign currencies.

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  9. Could we have a "Working Notes" Area like we do in Personal Tax for users to enter notes alongside the data entry - file notes only, not to appear on the comp.

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  10. A back button on file maintenance would be useful instead of having to access it again from the file menu each time.

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    Under review  ·  0 comments  ·  CCH Central  ·  Admin →
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  11. CCH does not currently suport macro enabled excel templates to be stored within DM. Please extend the system to allow these,

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  12. It is a bit long winded to end up with a copy of the DTA or the submission report in DM when using personal tax. There is the option when either are open to create a PDF, open in word, print etc and it would be great if there was another option to file in the document centre. At the moment you have to go through several steps to get a copy into DM which seems not necessary as you are in CCH when you open it.

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  13. We can see when accounts have been accepted by Companies House by checking Companies House, however CCH submissions database will still show as pending even if something has been submitted days/weeks ago. When you click on the blue pending hyperlink within the database it will then tell you it is accepted and change the blue pending hyperlink to 'Accepted'. When the database does it's polling can this field be updated so that it shows the correct position without having to manually update it.

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  14. Currently the Step Type 'Workflow Launcher' is not available within Assignment driven Workflows, It is available in every other type of workflow except Assignment and Practice Managerment. By enabling another workflow to be launched within Assignment Workflows, this can improve communcation and interaction between departments and help with a smoother running of a practice.

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    1 comment  ·  CCH Workflow  ·  Admin →
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    Under review  ·  Evan Jones responded

    Thanks for taking the time to add this to UserVoice.

    I will leave your suggestion on here in order to gauge the amount of support for it.

    Evan Jones

  15. Please can the software be upgraded to be able to deal with the Corporate Interest Restriction rules.

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  16. At present any Excel templates in Document Management lose their Tables and Filters when a document is created. These are very useful features in Excel and we are likely to want to use DM to create working papers more and more. Particularly as Audit Automation is going to join Accounts Production in Central in the future.

    At present these templates need to be kept outside of Central, which is not ideal.

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  17. A box within the main tab for recording the client's VAT reference.

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    Acknowledged  ·  1 comment  ·  CCH Central  ·  Admin →
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  18. It would be great to have a PDF button (like the one in the bills screen) where you can select an document press PDF and it converts to a PDF for you. the current process is to save as to a location and upload back to the document centre

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  19. Having the ability to edit the type of relationship a record has with another record on the associated page.
    For example: Some users have incorrectly set up a relationship, they have chosen 'has mailing contact' where as it should be 'is mailing contact'. Having the ability to edit this would be useful because when the associated record has one click access the relationship cannot be deleted.

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    Under review  ·  Evan Jones responded

    Thanks for taking the time to add this to UserVoice.

    I will leave your suggestion on here in order to gauge the amount of support for it.

    Evan Jones

  20. We often draft invoices in advance of posting the invoice and can forget to change the invoice date when posting it. Could it be possible to be asked to change the invoice date to today's date on posting the invoice?

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    Under review  ·  Evan Jones responded

    Thanks for taking the time to add this to UserVoice.

    I will leave your suggestion on here in order to gauge the amount of support for it.

    Evan Jones

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