Reporting from Online Filing
It would be useful to be able to report from the Online Filing section of CCH Personal tax. We would be looking to report examples such as IRMarks, whether the return is an original, amendment 1, amendment 2 etc.
AdminLouise Duffy (Admin, CCH Software) commented
Thank you for your comments - Unfortunately due to the nature and location of the online filing status and data it is not possible currently to bring those fields into Reporting. You can access that data through File - Tools - Online Filing Management and the Reports/Manage Filing Records tabs but there are limited reports available there. If you need any additional reports please contact Support or your Account Manager. We may be able to produce a script to meet with your specific data requirements but this may be chargeable.
It is however something that we will look to improve in the software going forward and we will investigate further if we can add additional standard reports within the Reports section
Kind Regards,
Louise Duffy
Lead Technology Product Manager (Hybrid Compliance) -
David Tallon commented
When amending a tax return, the status tends to remain as "Accepted by FBI". It would be useful if there was a report that could show for a given year a list of retrns that have an IR mark for an amended return but have not been submitted to HMRC as a check to make sure they haven't been missed.
Kevin Brewer commented
We came across a personal tax return that had been amended on CCH since initial IR submission had been done. This for some reason hadn't been picked up and the amended return submitted. So we were wondering if there was any report, or any easy way of telling if there were any other returns in the same situation (amendments had been made on the software after initial submission to HMRC, but amended IR mark hadn't been created etc.)
Patrick Collins commented
We have had a problem where our amended 2016 TR's filed on 31 January dont seem to be picked up by HMRC. I simply wanted to run a report to identify Amendment#1 IRmark so i could then check these clients to HMRC records. Can this be looked into please. The need for the report is that CCH only records the original filing date and not the subsequent date.
Emily Hillier commented
To be able to see which tax returns have been submitted marked as amended tax return. We have had some tax returns submitted incorrectly as an amended tax return when they should have been submitted as an original.