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  1. I want to have the Accounts Status field in smart reports to have the ability to show a drop down when running reports to show open or closed or all. At the moment this is not possible and would like to get this raised.

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  2. Please expand the existing consolidation functionality in Accounts Production so it can also be used for charities. This would be beneficial to our clients.

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  3. At the moment there are different built-in permissions groups for audit automation but you can't see the specific permissions held within these groups, or edit them. It would be good to have better control/visibility of exactly what different groups can/can't do.

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  4. At the moment you need to download documents from document centre and then re-upload them to Audit. Now especially with eSign enabling documents to stay in Doc Centre and OneCLick Documents, it would save a lot of time and space if we could transfer directly between the two. We are trying to embrace Document Centre and move away from our Windows drive but the current system forces duplication.

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  5. I'm not sure if others experience this issue but when entering accrued income allowances on the foreign pages of a personal return, these simply show as interest on the schedules which can be confusing to clients.

    For example, I have a client who has interest of £22.50 and accrued income allowance of £14.42. On the schedules both figures appear to be positive so it looks as though they show £22.50 + £14.42 = £8.08.

    The actual return is correct, but if the schedules could indicate which items are allowances and that they are a deduction it would be clearer for…

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  6. It would be really useful if you could add the "high importance" icon that shows when tasks are created added to the field chooser so we can tell when something is urgent.

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    Under review  ·  0 comments  ·  CCH Central  ·  Admin →
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  7. Allow documents to be created via "create" button from the global document centre onto clients/into client library rather than requiring you to go into the client first, navigate to the client document centre tab first - if nothing else being able to open a identical screen that doesn't let you add something to the client library is a bit confusing.

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  8. Please amend it so that if you right click on a document in document centre that the one result that is returned is pre-ticked against document in question. In the Office addin for Word when you click checkin the identical looking box is pre-ticked and you just have to click the check-in button on the popup window.

    I can understand why these aren't pre-ticked on the prompt when you exit the software to check documents back in as you might not want to select one of multiple documents but if the list contains one entry having to manually tick it…

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  9. This is hardly what I would call a enhancement.... data integrity should be a given but it appears that support think that it should be logged via User Voice to request development improve it!

    It appears inadequate check are carried out to verify documents are correctly written to the database before action are carried out on the local copy of there are any issues and the validation processes should be tightened up before local copies are deleted if there are any issue with successfully writing to the Filestream.

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  10. We would like to be able to report our employees' department list when more than one in the primary record for GDPR purposes. We set up various departments to restrict employees' access under GDPR rules 3 years ago, however we are unable to pull a report showing all the departments listed under each employee's records. Currently the report is only showing us the first line which is the 'primary' ticked department and not the others.

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  11. When creating a pdf from a word document in document centre, it seems pointless that the name of the document is not retained, and changes to the date. Can a setting be introduced so it retains the original document name.

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  12. When using the Scan Profiler to task incoming post to staff it would be a massive benefit to be able to add comments to the Task. If you want to add comments you have to create the task, then go back into it and reassign to add them which takes far more time than it needs to.

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  13. I can see this has been raised a couple of times by others but subsequently declined however, it would be useful from a reviewer perspective to be able to mark individual lines within a schedule as reviewed, in the same way as you can mark individual lines as complete, as opposed to having to lock the whole schedule.

    I can see that a previous response from WK has been that the assumption is that full data has been entered and so marking the whole schedule as complete is sufficient. However, I would argue that it is not sufficient as although…

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  14. In the default tab of existing client there is a delivery option for invoices and statements to be sent by email or post with the default being post.

    On initial setup of a client in step 7 of 8 there is no option to choose the default delivery meaning all clients get set to post it would be better if the option was available as this turns out to be a costly exercise until someone goes into clients separately to alter the default

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    Under review  ·  0 comments  ·  CCH Central  ·  Admin →
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  15. Currently when submitting a CT600 if the HMRC servers are busy the current CCH advice is to close the screen after 4 minutes and wait for the email response from HMRC then update the CT600 status manually.

    Could CCH change so when submitting a CT600 if no response is received from HMRC after a few minutes the software would set the status to pending, inform us to check again later and allow us to exit the online filing screen and then allow us to query the HMRC servers again for a response until either an accepted or rejected status is…

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  16. When creating a new document it would make sense if it pulled in the current main address of the client. In some instances we need to forward date an address for a client that is due to change in the future. When creating a document it pulls in the future address, which is incorrect. Yet when creating a bill, the current main address pulls in as it should.

    If it's not possible for document creation to work as it should then maybe remove the ability to forward date an address.

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  17. Adding on behalf of a customer.

    Have an option to hide unused workflows from the homepage drop down
    Potentially add a column called “Hide on homepage” in the standard workflows screen.

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  18. Would like to hide some reports from the list available to use
    eg debtor statements has 9 listed but would only like to show the two we currently use
    Aware we can delete them but they may be of use at a later date, a few have MYOB & CCH which may use as a template in future too

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  19. There is no way to bulk update the tax return status bar. As there are some reports which only pick up tax returns with a certain status showing in the status bar, it would be useful to be able to bulk update this.

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  20. Name of document when being changed in the properties tab causes the name section to collapse/disappear if we use the symbol "-" when changing the name of a document already in DM.

    This symbol is very common and the name field should not disappear or collapse.

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