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  1. We would like to see the client code on the billing wizard at step 2 as we have multiple entities billed in one invoice.

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  2. Would like the ability to be able to export Working Papers when exporting AP client data. Requested on behalf of Brendan Thorburn at Greaves West & Ayre

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  3. We would find it really useful if we were able to report on the last timesheet entry date by assignment in the same way that we are currently ably to do by client.

    This would then help with data cleansing exercises where we look at assignments that have not had any time charged to them say for over 12 months - i.e. assignment to close.

    Is there any development going on with Smart Reports at present and if so is this something that could be added to the wish list - i.e. adding the last timesheet entry data to assignment…

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  4. Can a WIP Enquiry that includes "Child" display the company name as an option. Currently you can only choose the Company code, which is not helpful if you have a number of Child entities.

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  5. When bulk importing receipts (Bookkeeping > Cash Posting > CSV Import,) there isn't the option to include the source of them - other than CSV
    - So we cannot report on how the receipt came in e.g. BACS
    It would be great to be able to include this, or change it from CSV.

    Requested by KNILL JAMES

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  6. With the increasing popularity of cryptocurrency, I am starting to have clients buying and selling Bitcoin for investment purposes. It would be useful to use SecTAX to record the purchases and sales. However, one Bitcoin is so expensive my clients only buy fractions of one Bitcoin. Could SecTAX be upgraded so that it would be possible to record less than one unit i.e., 0.0012345 for example.

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  7. Restrict access to employee records from the billing screen. Currently employee record can be accessed even though the permissions restrict in a different area

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  8. Tags are being allocated automatically by the CCH on the DPL for wages. When accepting and clearing these a message pops up to say non numeric tags have been allocated and do we want to remove. If leaving them in it causes errors, removing means retagging. Support suggest this is the way that CCH is and to remove the tags. If tags are being auto allocated then can they be designed in a way which won't cause further errors.

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. Could you look into an issue I've been having recently where I can't generate PDFs of bills from the Bills Ready to Send section (either individually or in bulk)? I can generate PDFs of the same bill(s) if I go into each client individually in the Bills tab which is quite time-consuming if I have a lot to print.

    Generating PDFs from the Bills Ready to Send has always been possible until the last few weeks when error messages have been thrown up ("failed" and "unsafe macro") and our IT department has been involved without success. Unfortunately, I can't upload…

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  11. When finalising a year in accounts production the system locks the working papers so they can no longer be edited. However the document in working papers is linking to the document stored in the document centre which does not prevent edits being made to that document within here. Therefore the finalisation button and locking the working papers in accounts production is flawed. What would be good is that when finalising the documents are also automatically locked at the other end in the document centre at the same time so that you can view these as read only or be forced…

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  12. It would be very helpful if the functionality to bulk update Client Defaults data e.g. Terms of Credit days was added. Thanks

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  13. Please can it be mandatory for an Accounts Payable contact to be added when a new client is created? We have big issues with e-Billing where no Accounts Payable contact exists to send the email to

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    Under review  ·  0 comments  ·  CCH Central  ·  Admin →
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  14. We currently create documents from templates in Doc Centre and use a standalone piece of software to drop in standard paragraphs from a library of around 200 blocks. I believe it was written years ago in FoxPro but it is held centrally and updated by the administrator when changes are required.

    We had thought of autotext or quickparts in Word, but they cannot be saved and maintained in a central library by one person which we are looking for.

    We don't use tax bundles (and don't have any plans to) but wondered if there were plans for something like this…

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    Thank you for taking the time to add this idea to Uservoice. There are no plans for anything like this right now, but I'll review the idea again shortly to gauge support from other users.

  15. The description for box 44 in the land and property data entry screen is "Residential finance costs not included", however, even if the entirety of the finance costs incurred are included and utilised during the current year, they are still included in this box. The total of the finance costs are still included in this box if they are not utilised. Either the description of the box needs to be updated, or there need to be two separate boxes to show finance costs included and finance costs not included.

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  16. If you enter foreign employment income which is not taxable in the UK, this shows on the tax computation as 'allowable expenses'. This is a misleading narrative which should be changed.

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  17. On the final stage of mail merge there is the option to choose document type for filing purposes, it would be useful to also have an assignment and job option as following the mail merge a manual exercise is required to move the documentation accordingly

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  18. It would be useful to have a data field in the main client record near the UTR field for the Trust URN for non taxable Trusts. At present we are saving documents with this info on into the permanent assignment but it should really have a field of it's own to make it easily accessible to us where we are engaged with clients to update TRS for non-taxable trusts.

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  19. It would be useful to have a data field in the main client record for the CGT reporting reference in the same location as the UTR on a client record. It would then also be useful for this reference to be able to be pulled through the the CGT screen.

    At the minute we are having to save this in the DMS so we have access to it where we are engaged to do CGT reporting for a client but it would be useful to have this in a field which is easy for us to access as and when…

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  20. I built a smart report which showed the client, assignment name and the total hours for the assignment.
    I then wanted to filter it by the Employee Dept.
    The I needed to exclude a couple of departments, when i added the syntax for not including the two assignments it then dropped the filter for the Employee Dept.
    When I spoke to CCH the only way round this was to exclude an assignment in the Assignment code and then the other in the assignment name.

    It would be good if we can have multiple filters on a report where we can…

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