98 results found
Bulk update end date/due date from Tasks and Appointments homepage
Could there be a button to bulk update the end date (due date) of tasks from the Tasks and Appointments homepage please?
1 voteThank you for taking the time to add this idea to Uservoice. I'll review it again shortly to gauge support from other users.
Workflow Filter
Filter workflows against assignment team.
When on the home screen, you are able to filter the workflow list based on the team that the client is assigned to, but we would like to be able to filter against the team that the assignment that the workflow is attached to. The reason for this is, it is not always the team that the client is assigned to that is doing the job.
6 votesThank you for taking the time to add this idea to Uservoice. I'll review it again shortly to gauge support from other users.
Develop a single folder with configurable location for plugins and temp files
Currently only a select few of the folders within Central have a configurable location, many of the remainder have their location set by default.
Those folders with a default location exist within the user profile Documents folder which introduces difficulty when Sync technology such as OneDrive is in use.
It would be far better to have a single location across the entire CCH Central suite which contained the folders for whichever plugins or functions of the software are necessary, that was configurable and could be placed outside of the default Documents folder to avoid issues with Sync technologies.
9 votes -
Filing options
On the final stage of mail merge there is the option to choose document type for filing purposes, it would be useful to also have an assignment and job option as following the mail merge a manual exercise is required to move the documentation accordingly
1 voteThank you for taking the time to add this idea to Uservoice. I'll review it again shortly to gauge support from other users.
Ability to make specific associations limited to one per contact/client.
Would it be possible to have the ability to make an association limited to one per client/contact record? Similar to client and assignment team responsibilities where some can be marked for only one per client/contact.
3 votesThank you for taking the time to add this idea to Uservoice. I'll review it again shortly to gauge support from other users.
Encrypt or hides the SQL sa password contained in the lookup.xml file present on every copy of CCH Central
Encrypt or hides the SQL sa password contained in the lookup.xml file present on every copy of CCH Central.
This is a huge oversight. Meaning any of our users can easily obtain our SQL sa password stored in plain text on every deploy folder and potentially destroy our SQL CCH DB.
8 votes -
Record time spent on client accounts
CCH Practice - a function to start recording time spent on client accounts. For example, once a client file is opened, then option to start the clock and record amount of minutes spent. Then when closed, add notes for what was done - chargeable or not.
1 vote -
digital tax
Please remove the orphaned Digital Tax > HMRC Authorisation option from maintenance menu in CCH Central. I have wasted 2x days authorising our DTA and just learned this option does not do anything for authorising DTA.
8 votes -
Mandatory addition of Accounts Payable contact
Please can it be mandatory for an Accounts Payable contact to be added when a new client is created? We have big issues with e-Billing where no Accounts Payable contact exists to send the email to
1 vote -
Ability to change the contact type of a client
We are unable to change a contact type (from LLP to Limited for example). I can see this makes sense where tax returns or accounts have already been produced, but it would be useful if we could make the change if they have not been created, even if bills have been raised, or at least have a work around or override option.
6 votes -
Disabling specific VAT rates on clients and billing
We have a number of VAT rates available on setup for client/supplier records and available for billing. Some of which are old and don't need to be used. Can we have the option to make unavailable specific VAT rates but keep the unused ones for historical reporting purposes. Examples of where are in the Client Tax Rates and Tax Rates options under File>Maintenance>Client/Supplier
3 votes -
PIN numbers should be stored online
PIN numbers should be stored / accessible in our online CCH account by the superuser, as we have to wait for it to be emailed to us if there is ever a glitch.
3 votes -
Tax Manager on Top 10 widgets
We have recently added a Tax Manager responsibility to the Assignments (Main) tab for each client to use to review WIP. We would like the ability to add Tax Manager (or other responsibility names) to added as an option on the Top 10 and Aged WIP widgets on the CCH home screen please. Currently only Client Partner, Client Manager, Assignment Partner and Assignment Manager are available. (See photo attached).
I see there was a similar suggestion entitled Responsibility Types posted previously which had 3 votes but has since been closed.5 votes -
Extra fields improvements
I think it would be useful if you could change the order of Extra field groups and extra fields within the groups, I also think it would be useful if we could have extra fields that we can assign based on the entity of the client rather than being forced to have the extra fields on all clients
8 votes -
Add "Assignment Partner Department" field for Reporting
Add the field "Assignment Partner Department" in Smart Reports and Reports section
1 vote -
The option for all employees records to appear in 'Employee Details' smart reports whether they've got an end date or not in their record.
We would like the option for all employees to appear in 'Employee Details' Smart Reports whether they've got an end date or not in their record. Further if an employee does have an end date on their account we'd want to also see that data on the report.
1 vote -
Client To Do Tab & Tasks & Appointment Tab have Job Column
We use Assignments, Workflows, Jobs, Unfortunately we cannot add a "Job" column and therefore although you have the workflow name you cannot tell which job it relates to.
1 vote -
Closed Assignments - Not Searchable in Doc Centre
When an assignment is closed you are then no longer able to search for it in the clients document centre.
It would be good to be able to search for any assignment type in the document centre regardless of the status3 votes -
Support for Windows user profiles redirected to OneDrive
Providing support for Windows user profiles redirected to OneDrive would be very helpful.
3 votes -
Defaulting status to draft client when creating a client, rather than full.
When creating a client the default status is 'full'. We would like this to be draft, or at least the option of selecting one or the other.
Sometimes full clients are created when they should be draft, meaning that time can be posted to them when potentially they are still at the engagement stage.
6 votes
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