WIP enquiry screen layout - customisations being lost
Currently it is possible to view the WIP enquiry screen from either the client record or an assignment record.
Most of the time our users do this from the client record and they have customised the layout accordingly - i.e. comments column added, WIP grouped by assignment and job. Occasionally though there is a need to view the WIP enquiry screen from an assignment record say when viewing an assignment based report that has a tag for the assignment WIP enquiry screen - clicking on the link.
The problem is when viewing the WIP enquiry screen from an assignment record the layout customisations do not copy across. And when users apply layout customisations to the WIP enquiry screen on the assignment record this caused all previous layout customisations made to the WIP enquiry screen on the client record to unravel which is very frustrating!
We would changes made to the layout of the client WIP enquiry screen not to impact on the layout of the assignment WIP enquiry screen and vice-versa.
We believe this is actually more of a bug fix than an enhancement request but we have been advised to post on User voice.

Thanks for taking the time to add this to UserVoice.
I will leave your suggestion on here in order to gauge the amount of support for it.
Evan Jones