Default billing email address/contact
We have not even finished migrating to OneClick and already have found a backward step!
For bills that were emailed, we previously had our billing email address stored as the primary emal address, so that when raising a bill that was set to be delivered by email by default, it automatically generating an email to the correct email address.
OneClick migration has meant that we have, in certian circumstances removed an individuals' email address from the business' primary email addressa and as such, can no longer gererate an email template by default to the correct email address.
Why should we have to 'remember' independently of our database, which clients and to whom within them an email bill should be sent to. The PM database has all this information so why can it not be used? I assume Portal/OneClick delivered bills will have the same issue?
We offer a best practice approach to storing emails for clients and contacts. Using this should help mitigate any problems encountered with use of email addresses.
Muhammad Azeem commented
Another issue on this topic... we have many clients who have (for example) a director with 2 different email address - one is to be used for billing and the other one is to be used for accounts queries. This director is associated to the ltd company as billing contact and as accounts contact, however both associations pull through the same primary email address.
We need to be able to select which email address is the primary for each association. -
Ashley Wade commented
Hi Michael,
The way normally suggest you structure your contacts and clients is to have a contact record set up for each key person at that client. So for example, "Joe Bloggs" has his individual email address on his person record, and is associated to "ABC Company". This way when you raise a bill for "ABC Company", you select the relevant association at stage 1 of the billing wizard. This could be "has billing contact of".
As you mention this is also important for when activating CCH OneClick, as we grant people access to companies.
Additionally, if you intended to deliver bills automatically through the use of workflow, you can do so with things set up this way. For more information on this I'd recommend looking through the CCH Workflow user guide, specifically at the "Create email from document" step. (If you have CCH Document Management)
Best regards