Personal details from Central to show on clients oneclick
Clients can then access details without having to contact us i.e. NINO, UTR etc and also can let us know if any information is incorrect.
Perhaps add the ability to alter some details on the portal and Central to be updated and an e-mail notification to the practice.

Cara Cole commented
A lot of our clients have mentioned that they expected this to be visible when they signed up for OneClick. Also, it would be useful if the portal could show which invoices are outstanding too.
Nathan Eaton commented
It would be great if there was a 'profile' page for each client login which would show an individual's UTR and National Insurance number, and a company could also show the Company Reg no and VAT reg no.
This way our clients could be made aware that they can log into their Portal to find this information instead of calling our office to ask.