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  1. There is no way to bulk update the tax return status bar. As there are some reports which only pick up tax returns with a certain status showing in the status bar, it would be useful to be able to bulk update this.

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  2. I would like AI to speed up the entire tax preparation process, to help save time and reduce the likelihood of errors.

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  3. It would be useful for the software to restrict the foreign tax entered down to the treaty rate. At present there is no restriction applied by the software so you have to manually restrict in order to get the correct result.

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  4. Tax Return Bundle when you publish to Document Management could it have the year you are completing set to automatically assign and file the job in that year - as at the moment it goes striaght to none and then you have to go into properties and move it to the year you are doing which is time consuming and fustrating

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  5. The annual allowance tracker in the pension savings tax charges tab does not take into account entries in the pension contributions tab in the 'amount saved' box. You therefore have to enter the amount of the contribution in both the pension contributions tab and the pension savings tax charges tab. It would be useful if the annual allowance tracker was updated when posting pension contributions.

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  6. calculating DRIP/SCRIP dividends using the FTSE data feed does not automatically calculate the amount of shares purchased from each dividend. You therefore have to calculate this manually and then update each dividend with the new number of shares. Additionally, once you have calculated the number of shares and detailed them in the data feed, and posted the dividends, if you go back into the data feed to update/post anything else, the shareholding amounts reset to their original values.

    It would be helpful if the data feed tracked DRIP and SCRIP dividends so that we did not have to calculate them…

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  7. Every schedule except tax payments/repayments has tick boxes for when the schedule has been reviewed, which locks the schedule. It would be good to have this for this schedule also.

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  8. Please can the ability to pull through tax deducted at source on employment/pension income be added to the information request template so that it can be displayed separately?

    Additionally, there does not seem to be the option to pull through totals for expenditure categories from business tax. The functionality is there for rental property expenditure categories, so could it be added similarly for business tax?

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  9. If there is an error with the return which stops you from being able to validate the return to IR mark it, it would be useful if the error description was always linked in such a way that clicking on the error message would take you to the relevant screen where the issue lies. Some of the error messages are not easy to understand so this would save time hunting for the error. At the moment some of the tax return box numbers referred to in the error message are linked, but you are not always taken to a relevant…

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  10. Editing the annual allowance tracker in this data entry screen causes the additional information pages to be printed, even when no pension contributions are made, so the additional info pages are blank. It would be useful to be able to get rid of these pages.

    In addition, the description on the pension savings tax charge schedule reads "amount saved this year in excess of annual allowance" - even when this is not the case, and the amount saved does not exceed the annual allowance. It would be good to have this description updated.

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  11. Where prior year figures need to be manually entered or overridden in regards to adjustments for averaging (due to information not being in CCH or CCH picking up the wrong figures) the averaging adjustment is not calculated correctly. Original tax position and revised tax position figures don’t agree back to prior year figures or manually calculated figures.

    Also for Farmers Averaging there is currently no link between the figures calculated in CCH and the relevant tax return boxes. It would be useful for boxes 14 and 15 on the ‘Tax payments / repayments’ section to be populated with the relevant…

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  12. It is very tricky to edit the information request templates and they are very easy to break. It would be useful to have the facility to be able to add the additional information we want, such as breakdowns of property expenses and employment income/PAYE deducted, ourselves, and to be able to make this conditional like the boxes already present (i.e. they only appear on the information request for each client if they have that relevant source of income). It is currently not easy to understand how the conditional formatting works in the template or to replicate this, but if we…

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  13. It is not possible to enter a cessation date which is outside of the tax year - for example, for a fixed term bond for which we know the date of maturity. It would be useful to be able to enter this.

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  14. It is not possible to change the status of a property from FHL to regular rental and vice versa, so you have to delete the property record and start again if you want to change over. It would be good to be able to simply switch the property type.

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  15. When trying to share the rental income and expenses in CCH with clients, it only has the option to link another client who is a spouse. It would be helpful to be able to link clients who are not spouses - e.g. siblings.

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  16. It would be useful to have a data field in the main client record for the CGT reporting reference in the same location as the UTR on a client record. It would then also be useful for this reference to be able to be pulled through the the CGT screen.

    At the minute we are having to save this in the DMS so we have access to it where we are engaged to do CGT reporting for a client but it would be useful to have this in a field which is easy for us to access as and when…

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  17. It would be useful to have a data field in the main client record near the UTR field for the Trust URN for non taxable Trusts. At present we are saving documents with this info on into the permanent assignment but it should really have a field of it's own to make it easily accessible to us where we are engaged with clients to update TRS for non-taxable trusts.

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  18. If you enter foreign employment income which is not taxable in the UK, this shows on the tax computation as 'allowable expenses'. This is a misleading narrative which should be changed.

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  19. The description for box 44 in the land and property data entry screen is "Residential finance costs not included", however, even if the entirety of the finance costs incurred are included and utilised during the current year, they are still included in this box. The total of the finance costs are still included in this box if they are not utilised. Either the description of the box needs to be updated, or there need to be two separate boxes to show finance costs included and finance costs not included.

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  20. it would be useful if the tax manager had a notification of returns approved and submitted as well as the person who has submitted them

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