Ability to make old templates inactive
Allow old templates for Working Papers to be made inactive, so they are not on the list for selection when using working paper designer.

Fozia Muddassir commented
We really need to be able to archive / make inactive old templates in WP so it i **** on the list to select. We cannot currently delete templates that have been used in the past.
Richard Barry commented
Please consider adding a user preference to turn off the masterpack is over one year old warning when opening a client database in AA. Currently the most recent ROI issued (Mercia) audit masterpack is well over a year old and so we have no ability to apply a newer ROI pack and the warning has become irritating.
The systems options dialog could include a checkbox to disable the warning so users have the option. This could also be extended to AP where the warning about newer masterpacks when a practice pack is in use are also tiresome and have led to users inappropriately applying the wrong masterpack to a client.